Another Reason To Smile

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teeth health smile dentist

Exploding Vape A Source of Concern after Recent Accident

 teeth health smile dentistAn Idaho man has suffered serious injuries to his face and mouth after the explosion of an e-cigarette. It is not the first incident of this manner to be reported after e-cigarettes exploded.

Key takeaways:

– The accident happened while Andrew was in the bathroom with the device shattering into pieces while in his mouth.

– The e-cigarette knocked out several teeth in the mouth and left him with second degree burns to the cheeks.

– Batteries used in the e-cigarettes are widely blamed for the vape pen explosions reported by users.

‘I’ve lost at least 7 teeth, 2nd degree burns to face and neck and have been pulling chunks of plastic, teeth and foreign objects from mouth, throat and lips,’ he told Facebook friends.

Read the full story here