Another Reason To Smile

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri 8.45-5.30 Closed Wednesdays
  Contact : 01604 63 88 22 / 07715 52 44 32

teeth health smile dentist

A Sore Jaw Is a Sign of Teeth Grinding

 teeth health smile dentistJaw clenching is the cause of a sore jaw and may even lead to the dislocation of the temporomandibular joint. You may also experience clicking and locking of the jaw.

Key takeaways:

– Bruxism originates from the central nervous system and can be triggered by stress, anxiety, alcohol consumption, smoking, and medications.

– Symptoms include worn tooth enamel, chipped or fractured teeth, earaches, headaches and tooth sensitivity.

– Your dentist will help to reduce the effects of grinding or clenching and minimize the symptoms.

Dental fabricated nightguards are designed to provide a stable bite that does not interfere with a healthy, comfortable jaw closure. Adjustment of the device by a dentist can help reduce contraction of jaw muscles during bruxism, which may minimize jaw joint stress and protect tooth enamel.

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