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All Posts Tagged: teeth

teeth health smile dentist

Is It Worth Getting Custom Mouthguards?

 teeth health smile dentistMouthguards have a bad reputation as being bulky and uncomfortable. While store-bought mouthguards may be inexpensive, they do not fit well.

Key takeaways:

– Custom mouthguards fit much better, and effectively reduce discomfort and damage to the teeth.

– Custom mouthguards enhance protection of every tooth.

– An poor-fitting mouthguard will affect your breathing, especially when participating in sport. A custom-fitted mouthguard works much better.

“With custom-fitted mouthguards, the discomfort is gone, the protection is there, and you can breathe better. This is because this mouthguard was made specifically for you.”

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teeth health smile dentist

The Number of Lost Teeth Can Determine Longevity

 teeth health smile dentistNew research findings reveal that tooth loss could predict how long you are going to live. Tooth loss has been associated with how bad you’re taking care of your health.

Key takeaways:

– Those people who still have their entire set of teeth at 74 years of age are most likely to reach the ripe age of 100 years.

– Stress, including lifestyle choices, social and emotional stress, chronic diseases, and genetic disorders were identified as the major factor behind tooth loss.

– Tooth loss has many causes  smoking, trauma or poor oral hygiene. Gum disease is another cause, and is closely linked to heart disease, diabetes and other chronic health problems.

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How the number of TEETH you’ve lost can determine how long you will live

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teeth health smile dentist

Skipping Brushing Your Teeth May Lead To Many Health Issues

 teeth health smile dentistAll manner of health issues have been linked to poor oral hygiene. Failure to brush your teeth twice every day may affect cardiac health.

Key takeaways:

– Bad breath is a complete turn-off. Build up of plaque when you fail to brush will cause foul breath.

– When you don’t brush adequately and skip flossing, you increase risk of coronary heart disease. The bacteria in the mouth will find their way into the bloodstream causing damage to the heart’s vessels.

– Ensure that you brush your teeth twice every day for about two minutes to maintain good oral hygiene.

According to dentists, skipping the twice daily cleanse can lead to all sorts of health issues such as loose teeth, bleeding gums and even coronary heart disease.

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teeth health smile dentist

Safeguard Teeth from These Bad Habits

 teeth health smile dentistOver your lifetime, you will only get two sets of teeth. You must take good care of teeth to keep them healthy.

Key takeaways:

– People may use their teeth to pry open packages and bottles. This habit is damaging to the teeth leading to chipped teeth and sensitivity.

– Frequent snacking on sugary foods over the course of a the day will predispose you to plaque formation and tooth cavities.

– Constantly biting the nails is not good for your teeth, often leading to chipped teeth.

Snacking could put your teeth at risk for cavities, especially if it involves sugary drinks and food. After you’ve eaten, bacteria in your mouth feast on the leftover food and produce acid that affects your tooth enamel.

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teeth health smile dentist

Dentist Carries Out Dental Check-Up on Polar Bear

 teeth health smile dentistWith the help of Yorkshire Wildlife Park rangers, vets and firefighters to lift the bear onto a makeshift operating table, a polar bear’s teeth were all checked for any problems.

Key takeaways:

– The dental checkup was necessitated after keepers in the park noted that a tooth, one canine, was of different color.

– The dental checkup of all the 42 teeth and an x-ray took about two hours.

– The procedure was well planned and the bear has made a full recovery and the findings showed nothing was amiss.

We could see that one of Victor´s canine teeth looked a slightly different colour to the rest of his teeth so we wanted to investigate and it was an opportunity to give him a full MOT.

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teeth health smile dentist

Office Cake Culture Fueling the Obesity Problem

 teeth health smile dentistSugary treats are a fixture in the break room of any modern workplace. They have been the cause of health problems such as obesity and tooth decay.

Key takeaways:

– The Royal College of Surgeons has taken a stand against the cake culture and other sugary treats in the office.

– The biggest concern has been the rise of issues such as obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.

– The consumption of high amounts of sugar has been linked to poor memory and is generally bad for your brain.

Increasingly, science is showing that eating a lot of sugar is bad for your brain and memory. The reasons why are not well understood, but it’s possible that unhealthy foods raise blood sugar levels, or feed inflammation in the body, including within the brain.

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The fiery partnership between two great psychologists can help explain why some relationships fall apart

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teeth health smile dentist badbreath

How to Get Rid Of Bad Breath

 teeth health smile dentist badbreathLifestyle choices have a role in triggering halitosis. Smoking and consumption of alcohol are possible causes of bad breath.

Key takeaways:

– Ensure that you brush your teeth and brush your tongue which could be hosting bacteria that cause strong odor.

– Brush your teeth after every meal. Brushing twice per day is not just enough for people with bad breath.

– Drink lots of water to stay hydrated since a dry mouth could be the cause bad breath.

If food remains on your teeth because you don’t brush and you don’t floss, that food just sits in your mouth and is degraded by bacteria and you can just IMAGINE the odour that gives off.

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You’ll find the most popular games on the ukash casino iPhone and iPad.

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teeth health smile dentist

Change your world with dental implants

 teeth health smile dentistIf you’re missing a tooth, or multiple teeth, it’s certainly embarrassing. If you’ve got loose dentures, that’s equally difficult. You just don’t feel like yourself. You’re hiding your smile, eating alone. Life loses its fun when you don’t feel right. That’s where dental implants can help.

My patients, over the years, have loved their dental implants. I can’t tell you how often I’ve heard it. “It looks so natural” or “It looks just exactly like my other teeth.”

And for people with loose dentures, it’s been equally exciting. “I don’t have to worry about eating anymore!” or “Should have done this YEARS ago!”

That’s the thing. Dental implants are so well-made today, and so natural looking, they do their job very well. They function just like real teeth. And with dentures, implants make all the difference. No more strange slippage when you eat or speak. You quite simply don’t have to worry any more about your teeth!

I love giving my patients this wonderful feeling. It truly moves me to hear their reactions. It’s like I’ve given them back their smiles, their freedom – their enjoyment in life. That’s quite rewarding for a dentist. It makes my work very worthwhile.

What exactly are dental implants?

Dental implants are the next best thing to having your own teeth. A dental implant is an artificial tooth designed to look and feel natural and allow you to have the beautiful smile you deserve. If you’ve experienced tooth loss as a result of an accident, tooth decay, root canal failure, or gum disease, dental implants may be your answer.

Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth, several teeth, or all of the teeth. If you’ve worn dentures, a dental implant can make those dentures more secure – so they become like your natural teeth.

Dental implants have become a favored option for tooth replacement with success rates close to 98%, for healthy people. That’s excellent news for you.

The benefits of dental implants

There are multiple advantages to having dental implants, including:

  • Improved appearance. Your dental implant will be custom-created to look just like your natural teeth. And because the tooth is designed to fuse with your jaw bone, they function just like your own teeth.
  • Improved comfort. Because implants are a part of your jawbone, they eliminate the discomfort of dentures.
  • Improved speech. If your dentures have fitted poorly, they can slip while you’re talking – so you’re slurring words, or you may mumble. With a dental implant, you can talk without worry that the dentures might slip.
  • Easier eating. While dentures can make chewing difficult, implants function like your natural teeth. You can eat your favorite foods with confidence.
  • Improved self-esteem. With dental implants, you can have your smile again. You’ll feel better about yourself, and it will show.
  • Improved oral health. Nearby teeth are not altered to support the implant, so more of your own teeth are left intact. That improves your long-term oral health.
  • Implants are very durable and will last for many years. They can even last a lifetime.
  • With dental implants, there’s no need to remove dentures. The embarrassment is gone, as well as the need for messy adhesives.

What’s involved in getting a dental implant?

It’s a straightforward process, but does take a few appointments.

Let’s say you have a damaged or decayed tooth. It needs to be removed, which means both the visible part of the tooth, called the crown, and the root are lost.

The dental implant, typically made of titanium, serves as the replacement for the tooth root – the very foundation of a natural tooth. Because it is placed in the jawbone and fuses with your natural bone, the dental implant forms a sturdy base for your replacement teeth.

Implants can be used to replace an individual tooth. Implants can also support a bridge or denture to keep multiple teeth secure.

Indeed, dental implants are the closest you can get to healthy, natural teeth. They will allow you to confidently eat, smile, laugh, talk, play and enjoy all of your regular activities of everyday life without thinking about your teeth.

Dentures supported by implants give you solid-feeling teeth. No more slippage! It’s like you have your natural teeth back again!

Are dental implants right for me?

If you’re missing one or more teeth, probably so. Nearly anyone in good health whose jaw has finished growing is a candidate. If you were born without a tooth — or lost one or more teeth – dental implants can help.

Success rates of dental implants vary, depending on where in the jaw the implants are placed. Generally, however, dental implants have a success rate of up to 98%. With proper care, implants can last a lifetime.

Let’s talk about dental implants for you.

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teeth health smile dentist

Exploding Vape A Source of Concern after Recent Accident

 teeth health smile dentistAn Idaho man has suffered serious injuries to his face and mouth after the explosion of an e-cigarette. It is not the first incident of this manner to be reported after e-cigarettes exploded.

Key takeaways:

– The accident happened while Andrew was in the bathroom with the device shattering into pieces while in his mouth.

– The e-cigarette knocked out several teeth in the mouth and left him with second degree burns to the cheeks.

– Batteries used in the e-cigarettes are widely blamed for the vape pen explosions reported by users.

‘I’ve lost at least 7 teeth, 2nd degree burns to face and neck and have been pulling chunks of plastic, teeth and foreign objects from mouth, throat and lips,’ he told Facebook friends.

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teeth health smile dentist

Causes and Prevention of Sensitive Teeth

 teeth health smile dentistA small crack in the tooth is capable of causing tooth sensitivity. The crack will then enlarge and grow deeper into the root causing obvious pain.

Key takeaways:

– Take good care of tooth enamel which is the protective layer. Worn out enamel exposes nerve endings leading to pain.

– Brush softly with a soft bristled brush to avoid wearing out tooth enamel.

– Teeth sensitivity could be a sign of other problems such as receding gums, teeth grinding and gum disease.

Ignoring your teeth can make things worse. Brush and floss twice a day to help keep your smile bright and pain-free. And see your dentist for a checkup twice a year.

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