Another Reason To Smile

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri 8.45-5.30 Closed Wednesdays
  Contact : 01604 63 88 22 / 07715 52 44 32

teeth health smile dentist

15 Tooth Problems

teeth health smile dentist dentalphobia childrenBasic oral hygiene can be achieved by simply rinsing the mouth with warm water and flossing teeth to get rid of food particles. Dental appointments are important to rule out any tooth problems.

Key takeaways:

  • Plaque buildup on the teeth destroys tooth enamel leading to cavities. Cavities can be prevented by brushing with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Stained teeth are a big cosmetic concern for many people. Smoking, foods, trauma and medication can all cause teeth staining.
  • Hyperdontia refers to the presence of too many teeth in the mouth. The problem can be treated by removing the extra teeth.

Bruxism can give you headaches, a sore jaw, and cracked or loose teeth. If you grind your teeth at night, ask your dentist to fit you with a mouth guard. If it’s a daytime problem, try meditation, exercise, or other ways to curb stress.

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