Another Reason To Smile

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri 8.45-5.30 Closed Wednesdays
  Contact : 01604 63 88 22 / 07715 52 44 32

Teeth Whitening


Everyone who opts for teeth whitening will see some kind of improvement in brightness and whiteness of their teeth. Nevertheless, you must remember that teeth whitening is NOT a permanent solution.

The causes of tooth staining can be age, inborn tooth colour, enamel thinness, eating habits, smoking habits, medication, etc.

Significant colour change in a relatively short period of time is a major benefit of having teeth whitening at a dentist.

Patients with particularly stubborn staining may have to return for one or more additional teeth whitening sessions.

The results of the teeth whitening varies considerably from person to person depending on genetics, teeth micro structure and lifestyle habits such as eating and smoking.

You need to remember that not everyone can have teeth whitening, for example individuals under 16 years of age, pregnant or nursing mothers, people with large restorations on their front teeth unless they want to change them after the teeth whitening.


Click below to see what can be achieved at Dr. S. Etemadi Dental Practice in Northampton.

To View Before & After Images Click Here


Is this procedure harmful to my teeth or gums?

No, if it is done by a qualified practitioner, all the necessary steps will be taken in office to ensure your gums are protected and your teeth are not over exposed to a high dose of chemicals.

How do I book an appointment?

Contact the practice on 01604 638822 or 07715 524432. An initial consultation which includes all necessary X-rays will be booked for you within days.

How soon can I get an appointment?

Within a few days.

How do I pay for my consultation/treatments?

We accept cash and all major debit and credit cards.

Dental Emergencies

We will endeavor to see you as soon as possible most often on the same day to assess the problem. You may need to book an appointment for treatment afterwards. Please call the practice for advice.