Another Reason To Smile

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teeth health smile dental diabetes mouthcancer oralcancer

Causes of Oral Cancer

teeth health smile dental diabetes mouthcancer oralcancerOral cancer screening during dental visits is important in ensuring early detections and early treatment. The dentist will look out for visible signs and palpate the jaws for any problems.

Key takeaways:

  • People who smoke and consume alcohol excessively are at the greatest risk of oral cancer.
  • The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) has been found to cause cancer of the oropharyngeal region, the base of the tongue and the tonsils.
  • Regular dental visits for checkups will help to identify symptoms of oral cancer at an early stage and treatment commenced early enough.

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, the first thing you should do before beginning cancer treatment is to see your dentist. After your treatment begins, be sure to check your mouth every day for sores or other changes.

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