Another Reason To Smile

Opening Hours : Mon-Fri 8.45-5.30 Closed Wednesdays
  Contact : 01604 63 88 22 / 07715 52 44 32

Mrs Sally Swallow

Mrs Sally Swallow joined our practice in May 2022 as a part time receptionist. She has previous experience working in a dental practice environment and has very good PR skills.

Dr S Etemadi

Dr S Etemadi DDS has extensive experience in private dentistry and is the Principal of DSE Dental Practice, which was established in 2001. Dr Etemadi is one of the directors of the company since 2016.

Mrs Mona Naderi-Etemadi

Mrs Mona Naderi-Etemadi helped establish the family business with her husband, Dr Etemadi, in 2001. She is also a fully registered dental nurse with the GDC since 2008. She is one of the directors of the company since 2016.

Miss Karolina Kviatkova

Karolina joined DSE Dental Practice as an apprentice dental nurse in 2024. Following extensive in-house training and finishing her apprenticeship program with TempDent in a few months time, she will be a fully qualified dental nurse.