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teeth health smile dentist

6 Ways to Naturally Getting Rid Of Bad Breath

teeth health smile dentistBad breath has many different causes. Some foods people eat may contribute to bad breath; of course, inadequate oral hygiene is a problem.

Key takeaways:

– Consume 8 to 10 glasses of water every day to help the flow of saliva and to keep mouth and tongue moist.

– Crunchy, high-water-content vegetables and fruits — such as cucumber and watermelon — are effective in dislodging bacteria from teeth.

– Smoking is bad for your breath. It will not only turn the lips grey and pale, but the buildup of nicotine and tar will cause bad breath.

Cut out the coffee. To beat the smell, have water or a slice of fruit to neutralize the bad odor.

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teeth health smile dentist

15 Tooth Problems

teeth health smile dentist dentalphobia childrenBasic oral hygiene can be achieved by simply rinsing the mouth with warm water and flossing teeth to get rid of food particles. Dental appointments are important to rule out any tooth problems.

Key takeaways:

  • Plaque buildup on the teeth destroys tooth enamel leading to cavities. Cavities can be prevented by brushing with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Stained teeth are a big cosmetic concern for many people. Smoking, foods, trauma and medication can all cause teeth staining.
  • Hyperdontia refers to the presence of too many teeth in the mouth. The problem can be treated by removing the extra teeth.

Bruxism can give you headaches, a sore jaw, and cracked or loose teeth. If you grind your teeth at night, ask your dentist to fit you with a mouth guard. If it’s a daytime problem, try meditation, exercise, or other ways to curb stress.

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teeth health smile dentist dentalphobia children

The Dog That Helps Calm Anxious Children before Dental Treatments

teeth health smile dentist dentalphobia childrenA dog has been helping out at a dentist’s office for a number of years now. The dog named Jojo has been used to calm down children.

Key takeaways:

  • Jojo works as a comfort dog that has been helping out at a dentistry clinic.
  • Jojo’s work is to cuddle and comfort nervous children who anxious of getting dental treatments.
  • Jojo has been in high demand to offer the services even though the dog has limited time to spend at the clinic.

Her ability to sense a child’s nervousness and anxiety is what astounds parents. She puts her head on their lap and offers a paw to hold on to.

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teeth health smile dentist dentalphobia

Talk Therapy to Tackle Fear of the Dentist

teeth health smile dentist dentalphobiaTalk therapy can be used to help people who fear seeing the dentist. The approach is referred to as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Key takeaways:

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) helps people to acquire the necessary skills to face their fears, including fear of injections. It is a short-term treatment that involves from 6 and 10 sessions.
  • People with dental phobias have been found to avoid visiting the dentist and are likely to have cavities and other dental problems.
  • CBT is more effective in combating dental phobia than use of sedation since it has a long- lasting impact.

Although the training is long lasting, Milgrom said, fear can return and some may need more coaching later. The degree of fear may depend on whether the person is primarily afraid of the dentist or has other psychological problems, he said.

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teeth health smile dental diabetes mouthcancer oralcancer

Causes of Oral Cancer

teeth health smile dental diabetes mouthcancer oralcancerOral cancer screening during dental visits is important in ensuring early detections and early treatment. The dentist will look out for visible signs and palpate the jaws for any problems.

Key takeaways:

  • People who smoke and consume alcohol excessively are at the greatest risk of oral cancer.
  • The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) has been found to cause cancer of the oropharyngeal region, the base of the tongue and the tonsils.
  • Regular dental visits for checkups will help to identify symptoms of oral cancer at an early stage and treatment commenced early enough.

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, the first thing you should do before beginning cancer treatment is to see your dentist. After your treatment begins, be sure to check your mouth every day for sores or other changes.

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teeth health smile dental diabetes

Lesser Known Side Effects of Diabetes

teeth health smile dental diabetesIt is estimated that 8.3 percent of Americans who suffer from diabetes are also at greater risk for tooth loss. This is especially true for diabetes patients who are 50 years and older.

Key takeaways:

  • People suffering from both type 1 and type 2 diabetes had on average ten missing teeth upon oral examination.
  • Diabetics were also at high risk of edentulism which is the total loss of teeth. Diabetics have a 28 percent greater risk of being toothless.
  • High blood sugar levels were found to disrupt the delivery of nutrients and the removal of waste from gum tissue leading to periodontitis and eventually tooth loss.

While those who have poorly controlled diabetes are most likely to experience tooth decay, even well-managed diabetics are more likely to suffer from periodontal disease.

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smile health teeth

Dental Issues Associated With Poor Control of Blood Glucose

smile health teethYour dentist may halt dental treatment and procedures upon learning of your diabetes. High blood sugar levels increase the risk of infection after dental surgery.

Key takeaways:

· High levels of blood glucose cause problems for the teeth and the oral cavity because it promotes growth of harmful bacteria.

· Uncontrolled blood sugar is therefore linked to a greater risk of gum disease.

· Serious periodontal disease on the other side has a high potential of causing the progression of diabetes.

Other dental complications related to uncontrolled diabetes include thrush, an oral fungus, and dry mouth, which can cause sores and ulcers. If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, the better you control your blood glucose, the lower your risk is for periodontitis.

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teeth health smile dental

8 Ways to Relieve Tooth Sensitivity

teeth health smile dentalTooth sensitivity may develop due to sugary drinks and improper tooth brushing. One in every eight people suffers from tooth sensitivity.

Key takeaways:

· Brush your teeth gently using a soft-bristled toothbrush twice every day. You should use short strikes following the up and down movement.

· Rinse your mouth with fluoride mouthwash after brushing to protect teeth from cavities and tooth decay.

· Stay away from highly acidic foods and drinks such as citrus fruits and citrus fruit-based juices that cause enamel erosion, leading to sensitive teeth and tooth decay.

If you have severely sensitive teeth, you might want to consider an in-office dental treatment. Gel fluoride treatments (available in higher concentrations than you’d find in over-the-counter products), crowns, inlays, or bonding can all help cover sensitive areas on your teeth, the ADA says.
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